Skin Cancer
Skin Check
Mole Check
Acne and Rosacea
Eczema and Psoriasis
Dermatologist Supervised Mole Photography
Melbourne Dermatology © is located in South Melbourne. We specialises in the diagnosis and management of skin cancer and other skin conditions.
Excision of Skin Cancers
UVB Phototherapy
PHOTODYNAMIC Treatment (PDT) and Daylight PDT
Dermatologist supervised mole photography
When you come to your appointment at Melbourne Dermatology Clinic, please bring your referral (GP or Specialist) as well as your Medicare card if you would like us to submit your claim for you. A referral is not essential for you to be seen, but is necessary if you wish to claim the consultation fees from Medicare. It also enables us to correspond back to your referring doctor regarding your care.
Please also bring the results of any relevant previous pathology tests, such as blood or skin pathology.
We are located at 111 Halifax Street on the corner of Halifax and Durrant Streets, near Hampton Street in Brighton. The entrance to the practice is on Halifax Street.
Call 9592 0000 or Melbourne Dermatology 9078 6342 to make an appointment or with any enquiries.
OUR BRAND NEW CLINIC is located at 388 Bay Street Brighton on the the corner of Male Street, opposite Bay Street Coles.
Call Bayside Dermatology on 9592 0000 or Melbourne Dermatology on 9078 6342 to make an appointment or with any enquiries.